

AuthenticatedEncryption Class AuthenticatedEncryption - The authenticated encryption protocol object.
DigitalEnvelope Class DigitalEnvelope - The digital envelope cryptographic protocol object.
DigitalSignature Class DigitalSignature - The digital signature cryptographic protocol object.
KeyExchange Class KeyExchange - The key exchange protocol object, based on the Diffie-Hellman algorithm.
LayeredEncryption Class LayeredEncryption - The multiple layered encryption protocol object.
MultipleEncryption Class MultipleEncryption - The multiple encryption protocol object.
PasswordBasedAuthentication Class PasswordBasedAuthentication - The password-based authentication protocol object.
PublicKeyAuthentication Class PublicKeyAuthentication - The asymmetric/public key authentication protocol object.
SymmetricKeyAuthentication Class SymmetricKeyAuthentication - The symmetric key authentication protocol object.