$saltingMode $saltingMode : integer The salting mode property storage. Type integer — The salting mode integer code value.
$digestFormat $digestFormat : integer The digest output format property storage. Type integer — The output format integer code value.
$inFrontCases $inFrontCases : array List of salting modes that add the salt at the front side of the input data. Type array — Salting mode codes.
$inBackCases $inBackCases : array List of salting modes that add the salt at the back side of the input data. Type array — Salting mode codes.
$inSpecialCases $inSpecialCases : array List of salting modes that use complex salt and input data manipulation procedures. Type array — Salting mode codes.
$useNative $useNative : boolean Flag to force native code polyfill realizations, if available. Type boolean — Flag to force native realizations.
hashData() hashData(string $data) : string Calculates a hash value for the given data. Parameters string $data The input string. Throws \Exception Validation errors. Returns string — The digest.
setSalt() setSalt(string $salt) : $this Setter for the salt string property. Parameters string $salt The salt string. Throws \Exception Validation errors. Returns $this — The hash algorithm object.
setSaltingMode() setSaltingMode(integer $saltingMode) : $this Setter for the salting mode code property. Parameters integer $saltingMode The salting mode code. Throws \Exception Validation errors. Returns $this — The hash algorithm object.
getSaltingMode() getSaltingMode() : integer Getter for the salt mode code property. Returns integer — The salt mode code.
setDigestFormat() setDigestFormat(integer $digestFormat) : $this Setter for the digest format code property. Parameters integer $digestFormat The digest format code. Throws \Exception Validation errors. Returns $this — The hash algorithm object.
getDigestFormat() getDigestFormat() : integer Getter for the digest format code property. Returns integer — The digest format code.
saltAtFront() saltAtFront(string $data) Internal method for grouping salting modes that add to the front of the input data. Parameters string $data The input data for hashing.
saltAtBack() saltAtBack(string $data) Internal method for grouping salting modes that add to the back of the input data. Parameters string $data The input data for hashing.
saltAtSpecial() saltAtSpecial(string $data) Internal method for grouping salting modes that use complex manipulations of the salt and input data. Parameters string $data The input data for hashing.
addSaltString() addSaltString(string $data) : string Internal method for adding the salt string to the input data via the chosen salting mode. Parameters string $data The input data for hashing. Returns string — The input data with proper salting.
changeOutputFormat() changeOutputFormat(string $digest) : string Internal method for converting the digest's output format representation via the chosen format. Parameters string $digest The output digest. Returns string — The input data with proper salting.