CryptoMañana Documentation

The Object-Oriented PHP Cryptography Framework

Cryptographic Data Services

    Secure data services are special cryptographic services that entirely depend on randomness sources and are used for the realizations of data generation, manipulation and deletion operations. They are needed for the secure creation of cryptographic configurations, shuffling processes and disk deletion. In practice, they are of big help for the developer, because they support other cryptographic primitives and indirectly other protocols or services. To reduce the complexity of their behavior, we can classify them as utility components that help the proper functioning of primitives/services, but also as standardized methods for data operations (deletion/manipulation, etc.).

    The CryptoMañana (CryptoManana) cryptography framework provides object-oriented components for the realization of each most used data operation. The supported algorithm/standard realizations at the \CryptoManana\Utilities namespace are:

    Note that, at the current moment, this type of component does not need a data structure for its input or output. Depending on the different future services, this may change, but for the moment there are no special formats supported here.

The Randomness Source

    Every component of this type has one mandatory dependency that is a data generator primitive. By default, the randomness source by default is the most secure available via the \CryptoManana\Randomness\CryptoRandom primitive, but it can be changed via the setRandomGenerator() method. Here is a list of all available methods available:

setRandomGenerator() // set the randomness source
getRandomGenerator() // get the randomness source
seedRandomGenerator() // pass a seed value to the generator

    It is important to note, that the CryptoRandom generator does not support controllable seeding, but the method seedRandomGenerator() can be called from time to time without a parameter to introduce extra entropy pool requests with to create more randomness. Of course, if you use one of the other data generators, seeding is fully functional.

Token Generator Service

    As you should have already noticed, we have previously used this component for the generation of asymmetric key pairs, but we have yet not explained the full potential of this service. Its purpose is to support the developer’s need to generate different types of cryptographic configurations, but also secure tokens (device, web, session, etc.). Here is a list of all available methods for this component:

getTokenString() // generate a secure token
getPasswordString() // generate a user password
getHashingKey() // generate a hash function key
getHashingSalt() // generate a cryptographic salt
getEncryptionKey() // generate symmetric secret key
getEncryptionInitializationVector() // generate an IV
getAsymmetricKeyPair() // generate a asymmetric key pair

Note: Because each of the above methods has multiple parameters, please look them up at the technical documentation page.

    This type of component has multiple public constants available:

 * The paranoid-enough password character length requirement.

 * The strong password character length requirement.

 * The moderate password character length requirement.

 * The weak password character length requirement.

 * The paranoid-enough token character length requirement.

 * The strong token character length requirement.

 * The moderate token character length requirement.

 * The weak token character length requirement.

 * The hash digestion key 128-bit size.
const DIGESTION_KEY_128_BITS = 16;

 * The hash digestion key 160-bit size.
const DIGESTION_KEY_160_BITS = 20;

 * The hash digestion key 224-bit size.
const DIGESTION_KEY_224_BITS = 28;

 * The hash digestion key 256-bit size.
const DIGESTION_KEY_256_BITS = 32;

 * The hash digestion key 320-bit size.
const DIGESTION_KEY_320_BITS = 40;

 * The hash digestion key 384-bit size.
const DIGESTION_KEY_384_BITS = 48;

 * The hash digestion key 512-bit size.
const DIGESTION_KEY_512_BITS = 64;

 * The hash digestion salt 128-bit size.
const DIGESTION_SALT_128_BITS = 16;

 * The hash digestion salt 160-bit size.
const DIGESTION_SALT_160_BITS = 20;

 * The hash digestion salt 224-bit size.
const DIGESTION_SALT_224_BITS = 28;

 * The hash digestion salt 256-bit size.
const DIGESTION_SALT_256_BITS = 32;

 * The hash digestion salt 320-bit size.
const DIGESTION_SALT_320_BITS = 40;

 * The hash digestion salt 384-bit size.
const DIGESTION_SALT_384_BITS = 48;

 * The hash digestion salt 512-bit size.
const DIGESTION_SALT_512_BITS = 64;

 * The symmetric secret key 128-bit size.
const SECRET_KEY_128_BITS = 16;

 * The symmetric secret key 192-bit size.
const SECRET_KEY_192_BITS = 24;

 * The symmetric secret key 256-bit size.
const SECRET_KEY_256_BITS = 32;

 * The symmetric initialization vector (IV) 128-bit size.
const IV_128_BITS = 16;

 * The symmetric initialization vector (IV) 192-bit size.
const IV_192_BITS = 24;

 * The symmetric initialization vector (IV) 256-bit size.
const IV_256_BITS = 32;

 * The RSA key pair type.

 * The DSA/DSS key pair type.

 * The asymmetric key pair 1024-bit size.
const KEY_PAIR_1024_BITS = 1024;

 * The asymmetric key pair 2048-bit size.
const KEY_PAIR_2048_BITS = 2048;

 * The asymmetric key pair 3072-bit size.
const KEY_PAIR_3072_BITS = 3072;

 * The asymmetric key pair 4096-bit size.
const KEY_PAIR_4096_BITS = 4096;

    Here is a simple example for the usage of this type of secure data service component:

use CryptoManana\Utilities\TokenGenerator;
use CryptoManana\Randomness\CryptoRandom;
use CryptoManana\Randomness\PseudoRandom;

$generator = new TokenGenerator();

if (!$generator->getRandomGenerator() instanceof CryptoRandom) {
    throw new \Exception('Wrong default randomness source!');

echo 'Token: ' . $generator->getTokenString(
    ) . '<br>';
echo 'Password: ' . $generator->getPasswordString(
    ) . '<br>';

// Consume secure entropy pool

echo 'Hashing Key: ' . $generator->getHashingKey(
    ) . '<br>';
echo 'Hashing Salt: ' . $generator->getHashingKey(
    ) . '<br>';

// Change the default generator with a controllable one
$generator->setRandomGenerator(new PseudoRandom())

echo 'Encryption Key: ' . $generator->getEncryptionKey(
    ) . '<br>';
echo 'Encryption IV: ' . $generator->getEncryptionInitializationVector(
    ) . '<br>';

echo 'Reseed and generate again -> ' . '<br>';

echo 'Encryption Key (the same): ' . $generator->getEncryptionKey(
    ) . '<br>';
echo 'Encryption IV(the same): ' . $generator->getEncryptionInitializationVector(
    ) . '<br>';

// Seeding is not effecting the asymmetric pair generation for security reasons
$keyPairOne = $generator->getAsymmetricKeyPair(

$keyPairTwo = $generator->getAsymmetricKeyPair(

echo 'RSA key pair => ' . $keyPairOne . '<br>';
echo 'DSA key pair => ' . $keyPairTwo . '<br>';

Data Shuffle Service

    The data shuffle service provides a secure way to secure shuffle or information smudge string and array values. Its purpose is to support the developer’s need to shuffle lists or do data obfuscation procedures. Here is a list of all available methods for this component:

shuffleString() // shuffle a string
shuffleArray() // shuffle an array

    Here is a simple example for the usage of this type of secure data service component:

use CryptoManana\Utilities\DataShuffler;

$testString = 'Long string for testing in here!   #ThisIsNaughty';
$testArray = ['1', [3, 2], new \stdClass(), 33, 'test', [], '1', 69];

$shuffler = new DataShuffler();

echo 'Original String: ' . $testString . '<br>';
echo 'Original Array: ' . var_export($testArray) . '<br>';

// Shuffling
$string = $shuffler->shuffleString($testString);
$array = $shuffler->shuffleArray($testArray);

echo 'Shuffled String: ' . $string . '<br>';
echo 'Shuffled Array: ' . var_export($array) . '<br>';

// Data mocking example
$length = strlen($testString);

$testString .= $shuffler->getRandomGenerator()
    ->getAlphaNumeric($length * 10, true);

$string = substr($shuffler->shuffleString($testString), 0, $length);
echo 'Masked String: ' . $string . '<br>';

Element Picker Service

    The element picker service provides a secure way to draw values or smudge string and array values. Its purpose is to support the developer’s need to pick elements from lists or do data obfuscation procedures. Here is a list of all available methods for this component:

pickCharacterElement() // fetch character
pickArrayElement() // fetch element

    Here is a simple example for the usage of this type of secure data service component:

use CryptoManana\Utilities\ElementPicker;

$testString = 'Long string for testing in here!   #ThisIsNaughty';
$testArray = ['1', [3, 2], new \stdClass(), 33, 'test', [], '1', 69];

$picker = new ElementPicker();

echo 'Original String: ' . $testString . '<br>';
echo 'Original Array: ' . var_export($testArray) . '<br>';

// Shuffling
$character = $picker->pickCharacterElement($testString);
$element = $picker->pickArrayElement($testArray);

echo 'Picked Character: ' . $character . '<br>';
echo 'Picked Element: ' . var_export($element) . '<br>';

// Data mocking example
$randomCharacters = $picker->getRandomGenerator()->getAlphaNumeric(20);

$bannedWord = 'Naughty';
$randomWord = '';

for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($bannedWord); $i++) {
    $randomWord .= $picker->pickCharacterElement($randomCharacters);
// or: $picker->getRandomGenerator()->getAlphaNumeric(strlen($bannedWord));

$string = str_replace($bannedWord, $randomWord, $testString);
echo 'Masked Word: ' . $string . '<br>';

File Shredder Service

    The file shredder service provides the secure deletion or erasure of a file from a modern filesystem. Its purpose is to support the developer’s need to enforce confidentiality and meet data regulations requirements. The supported file shredder meets the three-pass secure deletion at the DoD 5220.22-M specification. The passes include writing only zeros, only ones and pseudo-randomly generation values before marking the file as deleted. Here is a list of all available methods for this component:

eraseFile() // secure erase a file by filename

    Here is a simple example for the usage of this type of secure data service component:

use CryptoManana\Utilities\FileShredder;

$path = trim(sys_get_temp_dir()) ?: (string)ini_get('upload_tmp_dir');
$fileName = $path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'for-deletion.tmp';

$shredder = new FileShredder();

// populate a testing file
file_put_contents($fileName, $shredder->getRandomGenerator()->getBase64(10));

echo 'File Location: ' . $fileName . '<br>';
echo 'File Content: ' . file_get_contents($fileName) . '<br>';

// Secure rename
$renamedFilename = $path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
$renamedFilename .= $shredder->getRandomGenerator()->getHex(16) . '.tmp';
rename($fileName, $renamedFilename);
$fileName = $renamedFilename;

echo 'New File Name: ' . $fileName . '<br>';

// Secure delete the file

clearstatcache(true, $fileName);

echo 'Result: ';
echo !file_exists($fileName) ? 'File is securely deleted!' : 'Error!';

// Testing file cleanup, not needed

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